WELCOME to 112

First Baptist Church Mahan is a place where people can meet Jesus and engage in a life-giving community.  Join us in our journey of glorifying our Lord and Savior! 


First Baptist Church Mahan is a place where people can meet Jesus and engage in a life-giving community.  We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ and be developed into the disciples that God would have each of us to be. Join us in our journey of glorifying our Lord and Savior!  Hope to see you soon!

What can I expect upon my visit to "112?"

Want a glimpse of what to expect when you visit 112?  In the midst of encountering an impassioned worship experience, strong biblical teachings, and a welcoming church family - here are some other questions you may have upon your first visit to First Baptist Church Mahan (112).

What will I learn?

Here at 112 you will learn of the unspeakable joy of being a part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. From clear biblical teachings, empowering worship experiences, and engaging ministry opportunities you'll develop a healthy faith-walk with the Almighty and an understanding of your role in sharing the message of Jesus Christ.

What do I wear?

Comfort levels are different for everyone. Our church family is comprised of a myriad of persons from different backgrounds and thus you'll see formal suits, dresses, casual suits, jeans, shorts, and the like. While we encourage persons to be comfortable in their dress, here at 112 we also ask persons to remember that we're in the House of the Lord. So what are you waiting for?! Get dressed and come join us for worship!

What type of music will I hear?

We affirm the Ministry of Song by way of celebrating both contemporary and traditional genres of Christian music inclusive of gospel, hymns, anthems, and new age faith.  


One becomes a member of “112” by virtue of their affirmation to the Gospel message and their confession of Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.  In response to the Invitation to Christian Discipleship, individual(s) may join our church through the variables of:

1.  The Plan of Salvation (unsaved/unbelievers)

2.  Christian Experience (persons who have already confessed Christ as their Savior, have been baptized, and have previously united with a church in membership/discipleship, or

3.  Watch-Care (persons who do not plan to make the Tidewater Area their permanent home and would like to be part of a loving church family).

Upon completion of our New Members/Discipleship Cycles persons will then be welcomed into the church through the Right Hand of Fellowship and their faith journey with FBC Mahan will be underway!